Rhymes with Mating?
What are the societal implications of the modern concept of dating?
Try this experiment. Bring up your social media platform of choice and start counting and see how long it takes you to spot all seven of the seven deadly sins.
“Nobody’s perfect!” How many times has this been used to end an argument? To shut down a conversation about accountability or righting some wrong. Somebody is being called on the ramifications of their choices, behavior, language, etc. and rather than investigate, address it, acknowledge it, and try to correct it, the person throws out “well nobody’s perfect.”
Can you remember the last time you had a genuinely satisfying conversation? One of those protein-rich, unfettered, honest explorations of deep questions or topics that we often avoid in polite company, where all parties to the conversation feel heard, understood, and go away feeling wiser, fuller, more integrated and connected, and yes profoundly and mutually satisfied.