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The Pursuit of Nuance

The word nuance is a French term derived from the word “nuer,” meaning shade or subtlety. I think this is so beautiful. A painter who can capture shade on the canvas has been blessed because she can depict the subtleties of darkness and light, how they depend upon one another and are bound together. This is a difficult skill set and points to what Otto Fischer called “art as a revelation of Being.” This is the artist’s capacity to create, without filter, precisely what we are: a spellbinding presence of Shadow and Light.

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Perfectly Sincere

“Nobody’s perfect!” How many times has this been used to end an argument? To shut down a conversation about accountability or righting some wrong. Somebody is being called on the ramifications of their choices, behavior, language, etc. and rather than investigate, address it, acknowledge it, and try to correct it, the person throws out “well nobody’s perfect.”

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The Satisfying Conversation

Can you remember the last time you had a genuinely satisfying conversation? One of those protein-rich, unfettered, honest explorations of deep questions or topics that we often avoid in polite company, where all parties to the conversation feel heard, understood, and go away feeling wiser, fuller, more integrated and connected, and yes profoundly and mutually satisfied.

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